Compressor In Condenser Unit Running Loud

by Dan
(Portage IN)

Our central air conditioner unit seems to be running fine that we can tell, but it seems our compressor is running louder than normal. There is a loud humming noise that we can hear in our house whenever the compressor turns on (louder than normal... louder than neighbor's units). Is this something to worry about? Thanks!

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Sep 27, 2014
Thumping in townhome common walls from neighbor's unit NEW
by: Anonymous

I cannot sleep,relax,nor think from hearing thumping,bumping pattern from my neighbor's outdoor AC Unit since late Spring. They run it non-stop day and night ,or else it is running all the time but not cooling? They (next door neighbors) say they don't hear it,I find that hard to believe! They have come into my Townhome to listen and say they don't hear it! I am being driven crazy! Could you maybe assist me in explaining what it could be? Thanks!

Jun 21, 2013
My neighbors and their annoying AC NEW
by: Jessie

I have the same problem with my neighbors they run their air conditioner year round all I hear is MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM all night long and CANNOT sleep. This is causing me severe insomnia and night time anxiety and stress as per my doctor. my building manager could care less. He said that the tenants above aren't doing anything wrong. Can someone pleasae give me some advise.

Apr 09, 2013
AC is stressing me out physically NEW
by: Anonymous

My neighbors upstairs run their ac year round. All I hear is woooooooooooooom all friggen night long. I'm loosing my mind. Will someone please help me.

Apr 09, 2013
AC is stressing me out physically NEW
by: Anonymous

My neighbors upstairs run their ac year round. All I hear is woooooooooooooom all friggen night long. I'm loosing my mind. Will someone please help me.

Apr 09, 2013
AC is stressing me out physically NEW
by: Anonymous

My neighbors upstairs run their ac year round. All I hear is woooooooooooooom all friggen night long. I'm loosing my mind. Will someone please help me.

Mar 12, 2012
Ask for different apartment
by: Anonymous

I have one condenser outside and it loud enough. You have 6 condensing units outside your bedroom. You might as well stay near an airport.

The condenser unit is causing you problem. What other reason do you need?

Mar 11, 2012
I just moved into an apartment and I need advise please...
by: Anonymous

I have 6 condensing Units outside my bedroom window and two of them are making a vibrations sound that is vibration through the concrete slab they are sitting on and are vibrating into my bedroom. The vibrations go through the windows and thru the 5/8 sheet rock that I placed over the window so I could try to get some sleep.

I notified the landlord, and to her credit, she did come out and look at it, but I don't believe she is going to help me.

Do I have a right to get out of my lease if they don't stop this humming sound coming thru my windows? The sound is like a chipper with no wood going thru it Just a constant, wooooom, woooooooooom, woooooooooooom, wooooooooooooooooooooom, someone help me because this darn thing is driving me crazy. Is the landlord required to fix the noisy if it is keeping me up at night.

We don't watch TV in my house, we read books and this noise is starting to affect my mood. Any help would be apreciated.

Jul 23, 2011
Compressor Sound
by: Anonymous

My compressor produces similar sound now and then and I'm curious. I need to know if this is serious problem for our central air units.

If you find the solution, what the installer say.

Jul 22, 2011
Noisy new AC by Payne.
by: Anonymous

I have the same constant noise of a mid-tune sound from compressor of a newly installed Payne central AC. I have Lennox on my another place where the same noise only shows within about 30 seconds after the AC turned on, but will quit and you can only hear the fan running. The the new Payne noise never quit. I need to call the installer to recheck it.

Jul 01, 2011
by: Anonymous

My neighbor's unit has the same problem. The unit generates a pure tone at 500 Hz that penetrates the walls of my house and does not let me sleep.

A technician was called but he did not find anything wrong with the unit. I am an industrial hygienist and the noise was measured at my property line with a Type I noise meter with 1/3 octave band capabilities.

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