Tempstar Gas Pack

(Anderson, SC)

We have a Tempstar Gas Pack for 6 years now. It is the original unit that was build with the house. It was o.k. (not very efficient) the first 2 years. Then the problems started.

After 2 years: Main Controller Board exchanged
After 4 years: Blower for Gas Burner exchanged
After 5 years: Concrete pad sank - I guess this is not a tempstar issue.

After 6 years: Power Relay Bad, Main Controller Board Exchanged again, New Refrigerant Refill, A cable was burned down.

Now the service guy is telling me that the compressor is pulling too much current and needs replacing soon. He recommended me a new Trane unit.

I'm very close to have a bonfire in my backyard with that Tempstar Unit.

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Coil only lasted 6 years
by: Craig

The central ac coil(inside the house) started leaking after just 6 years of use. Not just leaking a little but we were losing all of our refrigerant within a week.

When the technician inspected it he found many holes. There are way too many welds in this unit for it to last. The coil on my mother and father's house lasted 20+ years before there was a leak.

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