Starts under load makes boom sound

by sumi

When this unit starts, my wall shakes (wall is 24" away and brick). It makes a boom sound and then starts up. The installation was made on this unit only 3 months ago and I have had the installer come out to correct the problem twice. He has checked the refrigerant level/pressure and advised they are normal or slightly below. This unit comes with a "hard start componient". Factory representative due out in a couple days but want to find out if this is a common problem with this type of unit.

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Sep 12, 2019
My problem is the loud bang when A/C starts up
by: Anonymous

Had motor replaced under warr & still didn't solve problem.

Sep 12, 2019
My problem is the loud bang when A/C starts up
by: Anonymous

Same problem, new unit & big bang sound every
time it starts up, wakes me up. Has anyone found a fix for this?

Sep 11, 2015
loud thump noise when unit kicks on NEW
by: dave

We have a rheem prestige umit. it sits outside master bedroom. when it kicks on it has a really loud thump noise. it wakes you up every time it kicks on. HELP

Sep 11, 2015
loud thump noise when unit kicks on NEW
by: dave

We have a rheem prestige umit. it sits outside master bedroom. when it kicks on it has a really loud thump noise. it wakes you up every time it kicks on. HELP

Jun 27, 2012
Thump sound in wall when unit starts NEW
by: Anonymous

I recently had A York unit installed and when the outdoor portion of the unit starts, I have a thump sound. It seems to be on the inside wall right next to where the unit is located outside and the freon line enters the house to go to the attic portion.

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